Is The Wind Rises Worth Watching

the wind rises anime

The Wind Rises, directed by the famous Hayao Miyazaki, is a beautiful and touching film about Jirō Horikoshi, the man who designed Japan’s famous Mitsubishi A5M and A6M Zero fighter planes. After watching this movie, I can say it’s definitely worth seeing, whether you love anime or just enjoy good stories about people.

A Story of Dreams and Reality

The movie starts with young Jirō, a boy from a small town in Japan, who dreams of designing and flying airplanes. But his dreams are shattered when his eyesight gets worse, making it impossible for him to become a pilot. Instead of giving up, Jirō’s journey is guided by his imaginary friend, Giovanni Caproni, a famous Italian aircraft designer. In his dreams, Caproni encourages Jirō to become an engineer instead. This advice changes Jirō’s life, giving him a new goal and a way to follow his passion for airplanes.

Historical and Emotional Depth

The Wind Rises is not just about Jirō’s life; it mixes real historical events with personal moments. One of the most gripping scenes is when Jirō meets Naoko during the Great Kanto Earthquake. He heroically saves Naoko and her maid from the earthquake’s devastation, showing his bravery and setting the stage for a touching love story.

Jirō’s relationship with Naoko grows beautifully, filled with sweet moments and heart-wrenching sadness. Naoko’s struggle with tuberculosis adds deep emotion to the film, especially when she decides to leave Jirō so he won’t see her painful death. This decision, though sad, shows themes of love, sacrifice, and strength.


Miyazaki’s unique animation style is amazing throughout the film. The detailed scenes of early 20th-century Japan, the carefully designed airplanes, and the dreamy sequences with Caproni are all stunning. The animation captures the technological wonders of the time and the beauty of everyday life and deep feelings of the characters.

Themes and Reflections

The Wind Rises explores many themes: following dreams, the effects of war, and human strength. Jirō’s dreams lead to big advancements in airplanes, but they also create machines for war. This double-edged sword is thoughtfully addressed at the end, where Jirō thinks about the destruction caused by his creations. Caproni’s words, airplanes are beautiful, cursed dreams, sum up the film’s main conflict and make viewers think about the ethical side of innovation and ambition.

Is It Worth Watching?

In my opinion, The Wind Rises is a wonderful movie that works on many levels. It is a beautifully told story that mixes real history with rich emotions. The film’s themes of dreams, love, and loss, along with its gorgeous animation and careful direction, make it a great watch.

The Wind Rises Give you a deep and moving experience. It makes you think about your own dreams and their impact on the world. At last Yes, The Wind Rises is definitely worth watching.

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