Serie The Strongest Mage In frieren Beyond Journey’s End

Serie is an Elven Great Mage from the Mythical Era. She is one of the oldest elves in the series, even older than Frieren. Like Frieren, she doesn’t express her emotions much. Because of her vast knowledge of magic, she is known as a living grimoire. Serie is the head of the Continental Magic Association and the teacher of the great mage Flamme.


serie, frieren and flamme

A thousand years ago, before the defeat of the Demon King, Serie, a Great Mage, met a young human girl named Flamme and took her as an apprentice. Flamme dreamed of an era where everyone could use magic, but Serie didn’t believe this dream would come true. Despite this, Flamme later became a powerful mage and asked Serie to lead the Imperial Mages. Serie refused.

However, Flamme’s own apprentice, Frieren, showed Serie that Flamme’s dream had indeed come true. Over time, Serie founded the Continental Magic Association and established a mage ranking system. She also battled Macht, one of the Seven Sages of Destruction, over a city that had turned to gold. Serie allowed her apprentices to attempt to seal Macht away, indicating her changing views.

Power And Abilities

In the Series, Serie is a unique and powerful mage. Known as the living grimoire, she possesses extensive knowledge of nearly every spell ever known, including ancient and forgotten ones from mythical times. This vast collection of magical knowledge has earned her a reputation as the mage closest to a divine Goddess.

Serie’s mana reserves are unparalleled; even when she restrains her mana, it rivals the unrestrained output of the mighty Frieren. She’s a master at concealing her mana, making it nearly impossible for other mages to detect any fluctuations. Only a few, like Fern, have managed to sense any instability in her mana. Serie can even suppress her mana completely, making her invisible to those with the most refined mana detection.

Her unique spell, Fürwehrer, allows her to transfer her learned spells to others through a grimoire, though she forgets the spells once transferred. One of her notable spells, Mistilziela, can reflect any perceived curse magic back to its caster. Serie has demonstrated proficiency in spatial magic, using it to evade attacks by distorting the space around her during battles, as seen when facing Macht and his great sword.

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