Howl Jenkins is one of the main character in Howl’s Moving castle. He is loved by people all over the world. People like him for many reasons. First, Howl is a character who changes a lot in the story. At first, he seems mysterious, but as the story goes on, we learn more about him.
This makes him interesting to watch. Also, Howl is very charming, and he looks really cool in the movie. As the movie goes on, Howl learns some important lessons about love, friendship, and being kind. The actor Christian Bale does a great job voicing Howl in the English version, which adds to his character. And, Howl’s romantic relationship with Sophie is another part of the story that people like. Overall, people love Howl because he’s interesting, cool-looking, and he learns important things in the movie.
Howl Jenkins was born into an average family in Wales, but he was far from average himself. He had a knack for magic from a young age, and even wrote his college thesis on spells and charms. He hung out with a group of talented magicians on Earth.
In Wales, Howl had a habit of dating girls and then breaking up with them. One time, he upset some tough guys after ditching their sister, so he cast a spell to escape. That spell took him to another world called Ingary, where he decided to stay for a while. There, he learned magic from Mrs. Pentstemmon, becoming one of her top students.
Howl had a few different names in Ingary depending on where he was. People called him Wizard Howl in Market Chipping, Wizard Pendragon in the capital, and enkins the Sorcerer in Porthaven.
One night, Howl met a falling star named Calcifer and made a deal with him. He gave his heart to Calcifer, which linked them together and gave Howl more magical power. After this, Howl lived as a recluse, dying his hair and spending all his money on fancy clothes. He spent his days charming young ladies until he got bored and moved on. That’s when he found Michael Fisher, who became his apprentice.
During this time, Howl also had a brief fling with the Witch of the Waste, who cursed him when he dumped her. He sometimes worked for the King’s army but kept his distance from them as much as possible.